Information Agnosia

Information Agnosia1,2 is a made-up word I'm using to characterize the nature of the harm that's emerging in the breakdown3 of humankind's ability to relate meaningfully to and deal with "things," despite otherwise normally functioning senses and availability of data.

My work in progress in this domain builds on Richard Saul Wurman's conceptualization of Information Anxiety4 and borrows from the works of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Tillich on the role that anxiety plays in revealing exestential threats to human being5 in a transdisciplinary investigation of the spatiality of meaning.

Ongoing projects include the development of pedagogy and interpretive frameworks around what good means, what things are,6 and how places work.7

1. In 1965, Denise Scott Brown used the term agnosia to describe the adverse effects of urban design failures on human wellbeing (The Meaningful City, AIA Journal Jaunary 1965)

2. Various studies of topological disorientation and landmark agnosia: McCarthy et al. (1996); Incisa della Rochhetta et al. (1996); Takahashi et al. (1989); Aguirre et al. (1998)

3. Center for Humane Technology, The AI Dilemma (March 9, 2023)

4. Richard Saul Wurman, Information Anxiety (1989, 2001)

5. Heidegger's The Essence of Reasons, Paul Tillich's The Courage To Be and Søren Kerkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety are the primary bases upon which this research attempts to build its philosophical grounding.

6. OTC framework co-developed with Andrea Resmini

7. IA Influences Model co-developed with Abby Covert
